Larimar is a high-vibrational stone. It is deeply nurturing, radiating love as it restores strenght especially after extended spiritual work, harmonizing body and soul to new vibrations. Effortlessly inducing a deeply meditative state, it guides the soul on its true pathway. Larimar releases self-sabotaging behaviour, slef-imposed bonds, and innapropriate burdens, and removes attached entities. Awakening inner wisdom and the ability to manifest, when moving through periods of stress and change, it enables challenges to be met with harmony and balance. Larimar draws a soulmate, healing relationship karma or heart trauma. An antidote to emotional extremes, it reconnects joyful childlike energy. Stimulating creativity and encouraging “going with the flow”, Larimar brings calmness and equilibrium. This stone connects to the energy of the Earth Goddess, healing women reattune to innate femininity and restoring connection with nature. Dissipating geopathic stress and blockages, it is excellent for earth evolution and healing. As a reflexology tool, Larimar pinpoints the site of disease and clears meridians.