A true Golden Healer is defined as a crystal or crystal cluster with an iron oxide coating under or in between layers of crystal. Colors will range from a pale, clear yellow to lemon to darker mustard. The Golden Healer is a powerful healing crystal as it allows the golden light of Universal Life Force to flow into the body through the Crown chakra. The energy then spreads its golden light throughout the body as it clears blockages and imbalances that ready the body for multi-level healing. The Golden Ray energy of the Golden Healer may represent the Divine Spirit, Source and Creation. A Master Healer, the Golden Healer is of the highest vibration. Its energy is powerful, yet gentle and soothing.
Golden Healer Quartz has the ability to clean everything in your auric field, filling it with golden healing light. It even gets right into your cellular structure so that you can release old patterns and conditions. Golden Healers can be used to incite healing on all levels, and they are an excellent crystal to use in all healing situations as they allow you to recognise techniques to aid in the healing all of disorders. Golden Healer crystals are master healers, accessing the highest vibration of light your human body can receive and sustain, raising your body’s frequency to dissolve and release blocks or foreign energies, replenish on a cellular level, and restore your body’s natural balance and harmony.
Golden Healers also help keep contact with the spiritual worlds. It is said by some that Golden Healers access Christ consciousness as well as activating the solar plexus chakra to join our will with Divine will. Golden Healers also align all the chakras and balance yin/yang energies. Golden quartz accesses very high (Christ Consciousness) information and also activates the 3rd chakra marrying our will with the divine will. The mineral iron oxide is trapped inside and gives this stone its golden hue. It aligns and balances the Sacral chakra, the Crown chakra and the Solar Plexus chakra. Golden Healer Quartz leads one to positive changes by providing the understanding for what change is needed.
It is a high vibrational crystal, a master healer, a multi-purpose healing crystal and empowers dimensional healing. It access the Golden Ray, the highest vibration of light and can raise vibrations, intent, and dissolves and releases blockages. This crystal enhances joy, balances yin and yang energies and aligns all chakras. Golden Healers have distinctive golden hues and has natural coating of iron oxide in between and under layers of crystal. This crystal is a master healer for any condition, cellular memory healer, efficient receptor for programming and beneficial for multi-dimensional healing. It cleans and enhances the organs, stimulates the immune system, brings the body into balance, soothes burns can be used for energy enhancement.